Task-Centric file creation - First mockups

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Wed Jan 30 07:51:09 UTC 2013

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 21:45:18 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 January 2013, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > pros:
> > * it means every new thing created will be associated with that activity
> > by
> > default
> > * it means i don't have to have to pull down the launch and start a
> > different app to get to this functionality
> > 
> > as a wild thought: would it work at all to have a "create" button between
> > "+" and "configure"?
> hm, another button would probably be quite redundant, and not very clear the
> difference...

yes, i struggled with that as well.

> I think i would prefer starting this kind of actions from the top menu, that
> doesn't *have* to be the list of all applications as now btw.
> It may even have just icons to browsers (files, books, web, images..) and a
> launcher for the start task ui (applications that can't really be melted in
> a task, such as games may be listed in a "category" of tasks)

this got me to thinking if we could make even more use of the Launch area. 
it's where you "start" stuff, so "starting something new" makes sense up there 
... but perhaps instead of starting a new application (making it also feel 
heavy in a different way), if selecting a "create" entry could cause the launch 
icons to slide away and be replaced by the options of things you can create. 
iow, integrate the "create" interface into the Launch.

i also like the idea (if i read your email properly anyways ;) of providing a 
clearer visual separation between content browsers and other applications.

if we were to go that route, when we get to creating the "create" application, 
it may be a nice opportunity to revisit the Launch area and see if there are 
any small (non-complexity-increasing :) improvements we can make there.

the more i think about having "create" in the Launch area, the more i like it, 
btw :) it feels .. like the right place.

Aaron J. Seigo
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