
Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Oct 5 15:35:13 UTC 2012

On Friday, October 5, 2012 08:12:26 you wrote:
> So I thought it was a tablet-ized version of KDE

it is.

> tablets. However I have significant usability concerns based off
> screenshots alone)

screenshots alone are indeed not enough on their own. i would ask what your 
"significant usability concerns" are, but i fear it would not be a great use of 
our time due to that.

> Also, where the heck is Vivaldi?

we're working on it.

> I'd like to D/L the s/w and put it on my
> tablet and give it a shot since the specs line up so much.

this really depends a *lot* on what chipset is in that device. unlike x86 
devices, ARM is very target specific. and you don't need to wait on Vivaldi -> 
there are already several ARM adaptations of Mer out there along with HOWTOs 
out there to get you started.

Aaron J. Seigo
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