Files task prioritization

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Sat Nov 3 22:26:45 UTC 2012

On 03.11.2012 20:38, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Saturday, November 3, 2012 16:32:44 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>> introduction Activity in a plasmoid like the other intro plasmoid), but
>> videos would be a lot better.
> i have some bad news here: videos are unlikely to work due to how people
> process such information. been doing some reading / research on these matters
> (lots of recent academic activity on these things :) and it seems really,
> really hard to be effective via video.
> a more direct-the-users-hands-on-the-device tutorial approach, however, might
> work. it's what video games have been doing for a # of years  ...

Absolutely. Because the last time Fania and me suggested an interactive tutorial 
(for PA1), it had been dismissed as too much effort, I didn't dare suggesting it 
again for this release.
But if it's the only solution that works, I'm all for doing it.

>> It is critical (espially the renaming an deletion of tags). However please
>> consider the second solution I just put into the wiki. If you don't agree
>> with it, we should discuss it more, but I am very strongly against many
>> aspects of the first solution. It seems to me to try to overcome
>> discoverability issues by introducing much less powerful alternatives to
>> drag & drop. This should not be the way to go.
> i was not keen on the first solution either.
> we haven't committed to any of the solutions, in fact. we'll probably be
> discussing solutions on-list (or possibly via online conference if people are
> available) as get to the less clear / obvious items such as this one.

Okay, that's fine with me :)

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