Maliit, Plasma Active and Mer

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon May 21 22:09:49 UTC 2012

On Monday, May 21, 2012 19:26:08 Marco Martin wrote:
> that qml version not yet, the framework supports it (used to do the numeric
> keypad on the N9)
> the qml version of maliit still needs a lot of bindings to be feature
> complete with the old c++ version on the n9 as i hear, so more features
> will be eventually possible trough time

yes, we'll have to push this forward as we iterate the PA product ... 
hopefully with a new user of the QML bindings, the maliit crew will help us 
out here.

what's really great about this is that the framework has everything one could 
want in the framework: screen positioning, layout selected based on app hint 
(e.g. "show only numeric keys"), internationalization (accented characters, 
different layouts you can swipe between, multibyte, etc.), word completion 
(though this requires integration with a system installed completion 
framework) ....

so while we're losing some of "our" code, we get a full framework and we get 
rid of some bugs.

awesome work on this marco :)

Aaron J. Seigo
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