UX suggestions for tabletReader

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Wed May 2 20:25:24 UTC 2012

> I would never propose it for PDF reading. Poppler and the rest of the Okular
> libraries is probably perfect for that.
>  To be honest, I'm not that familiar with the internals of ebook readers but
> there is one thing that struck me when I read about the epub format: It's
> intended to be relayouted on the fly for different screen sizes or
> orientations (landscape / portrait).
> The Calligra office engine can do that quite efficiently on even thousand
> pages long documents but I don't know if the Okular engine can do it. My
> impression was that okular is mostly for fixed formats where the page is
> fixed as is is and cannot change.  But that impression could be wrong of
> course.

Ah okay, that makes sense :). I don't have any experience with ebooks, so I 
don't know how well the Okular libraries handle them. However, reading PDFs is 
probably at least as important a usecase as ebooks for our reader. 
So in case the Calligra Words engine actually handles ebooks better than 
Okular, it would make sense to use different backends for the two file types. 
@Bogdan: Would that be possible for your reader?

- Thomas

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