Changes to Activity Configuration UI

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Wed May 2 09:44:42 UTC 2012

On 02.05.2012 11:30, Marco Martin wrote:
>> @Marco: Since the "Active Project"'s intention is to be deployable on
>> anything from a smartphone to a big screen in the end, doing fluid layouts
>> should be easy with the framework, right? ;)
> can be added some explicit case that changes anchoring when the size goes
> beyond a certain one, for things a lot different may be necessary to provide a
> different package providing a different set of qml files, would like to keep
> trying save vertical space for now

+1. As long as we have only one version, we should aim for saving the space. But 
in general it definitely makes sense to adapt layouts to different screen sizes 
/ resolutions, because a layout that is optimized for a 7" screen is likely to 
be sub-optimal for a 10" screen and vice versa (not to mention resolutions 
beyond that range).

>>> Have you thought about the error message dialog (same activity name)?
>>> Where would it pop up/be displayed? Did we decide for a common pattern
>>> for error messages in PA?
>> The idea that came up on our last discussion thread for this was a "Message
>> Bubble" that is connected to the name field. However, this was not
>> implemented yet. Currently the message appears to the right of the
>> lock/unlock switch (not a good position, actually)
>> I think the bubbles are a good (and rather widespread) pattern for messages
>> which relate to specific input fields, so I think we should try that out.
> i can try for now one that is specific to that dialog, one that is a generic
> component enough would be a bit more complex problem

Hmmm... I'm not sure if it makes sense to put effort into something specific if 
we need a generic component in the future anyway (and we definitely will). On 
the other hand, it may make sense to create a specific example with relatively 
little effort and test it from a UX perspective before more effort is put into a 
generic component.
I'd say it depends on how much work the specific solution would be. If it's 
relatively easy to do, I'd say "Let's try it out!".

- Thomas

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