Documenting how to write a device shell

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Jan 25 11:46:58 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I was trying to clean up a bit the code of the qml package that creates the 
tablet shell.
I noticed that if we want for others to be able to easily write shells for 
handhelds, set-top-boxes or giant robots (hint: we can't do all of this by 
ourselves ;), a good how to documentation is needed.

I started a page here (linked from the development section of the active wiki 

please give feedback on what you would like to know if starting to diving into 
that ;)

by reviewing stuff, i'm also gathering bits of the device shell api that could 
be modified/simplified, in the end the final api/procedure will be there.

also, perennial question of any given new wiki page: community or techbase? :p 
(this would be more on the technical documentation/howto side...)

Marco Martin

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