Encryption stuff in need of solutions

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Tue Jan 24 13:14:48 UTC 2012

>Now that we are talking about passwords I realised that there is no
simple way to change activities' passwords or recover them. We still can
switch encryption off and >then on in order to change the password, but
for now to save the changes the user must click on the "Save changes"
button, which closes the configuration dialog. I >think switching
encryption on and off should be immediate (not requiring click on the
"Save changes" button)

You just spotted a big inconsistency here: We want instant apply for
settings dialogs, yet we have classic "Save changes" in Activity
configuration. This does not really make sense.
However we should not have private yes/no apply instantly but none of the
other changes. 
So I hereby strongly suggest to have all changes to activity settings
apply instantly and only have a "close" button on the dialog.
Comments? Would we run into some trouble with that?


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