Task Proposal: Files handling,browsing,tagging

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Fri Jan 20 12:28:11 UTC 2012

> i was thinking about something quite basic, not much more that file
open, but
> mostly a shell to assign and read nepomuk metadata (and try to not offer
> actual filesystem navigation at all at first)

I'd call it a full featured personal file manager, and as such it does not
filesystem navigation at all and in fact should never offer.
The goal is to hide the filesystem from the user, because why should they
about it? They care about the semantic attributes of their files, not
physical location.
Since it allows things like tagging, deleting files or moving them to and
from an
external storage (only USB at first), it is definitely more than a "file
open" dialog,

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