styled dialogs for pa

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Mon Jan 9 17:35:28 UTC 2012

> ( when continuous integration will be again up and running, consistent
> update of images and whatnot will be in place again ;)
> now there is a partially tranlucent/black fullscreen background that fades
> in, the dialog itself slides from the bottom, clicking on the background
> dismisses the dialog.
> i am not sure the animations will be fast enough since they are done by the
> application event loop, it may be necessary have kwin doing this, we'll see.
this could be done quite simple in KWin using the sliding popups effect. The 
only required change would be to darken the screen and closing the window 
during the animation if there is a click on the background. Everything rather 
easily doable :-) And yes from performance point of few it should be much 
easier as at least the transparency comes for free and is always using OpenGL.

This reminds me to get the JavaScript bindings for effects in place as I would 
prefer to have the form factor specifications in different JavaScripts instead 
of C++ :-)

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