KDialog in QML

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 12:18:47 UTC 2012

On Saturday 07 January 2012, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> Hi all.
> We all know the moments when services need to ask the user something.
> In those cases some people (me :) ) like to use kdialog so that there
> is no need to link the service to an ui library - and adapt to
> different types of ui - qwidget and qml.
> I'll be needing this to provide password dialogue (and maybe others)
> for the activity encryption.
> In order for this to appear pleasant to the user of PA, we should have
> a qml-based kdialog.

There is the Dialog component.

on desktop uses kdialog for simple stuff, and Plasma::Dialog if custom 
elements in it are needed, on pa it always uses Plasma::Dialog.

I'm now doing some experiments (plasma/mart/fullscreenDialog) to make it look 
a bit more pimp on pa, but it's definitely the thing to use.

Dialog the most primitive one
CommonDialog has a title and buttons
QueryDialog is the question with ok/cancel, SelectionDialog has a list of 
elements to choose.

Marco Martin

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