Settings Human Interface Guidelines first draft online

Fania Bremmer fania.bremmer at
Wed Jan 4 10:08:10 UTC 2012

Am 03.01.2012 22:27, schrieb Martin Gräßlin:
> On Tuesday 03 January 2012 21:23:20 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>> On Sunday 01 January 2012 21:04:53 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>>> ok, so it's the second one. Could you make that a little bit more clear by
>>> not calling the section "Instant Apply" but maybe "Apply without restart"
>>> or something in that direction?
>> Well actually it's supposed to be both: Apply instantly on change of any
>> value without users having to click "okay" or "apply" _and_ without the
>> need to restart the application.
>> Would that be feasible?
> if the application has to support instant changes without "apply" or "okay"
> then it has to support it without needing a restart. So all this about not
> needing restart is rather redundant.
> Technically I doubt that this will be feasable for existing KDE applications
> which want to provide a custom interface for Active. All our dialogs use the
> apply button and is mostly done in a way that the apply button causes saving
> the UI to config file and then the settings get reloaded. Having it to apply
> instantly would mean not only to rewrite the config UI to adapt to active but
> also to change the logic behind and introduce different behavior for desktop
> and active.
mhh, yes, but an application for desktop should have different user 
interaction than an app for mobile touch devices. Otherwise we dont 
provide good usability. And buttons like "apply" or "cancel" remember a 
lot the normal desktop workflow. Whereas gestures like draganddrop, 
sliding etc comfort the user interaction.

I guess instant apply would be really nice (like in the clock setting, I 
always look up in the top bar if the new times has been set 
instantly...). And as Marco pointed out in his email, an easy undo (or 
better "redo" in this case) feature is needed of course. But as active 
has not that complex interaction patterns, I guess this is feasable.

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