spark browser and im

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Sat Feb 4 10:38:13 UTC 2012

Hi Randolph,

> thanks for the feedback. Yes need to subscribe to the list, its new for me.
> We are open for a optimization to have a better mobile gui. If you
> want to work with us, yes please join or make suggestions. Dooble
> Browser has a Full Screen Tablet Modus, though not yet a QML gui.
> A compile for the environment would give a plan. It would be great to
> be able to order soon the c92/91 tablet as well instead only 7 inch.
> InterFace social Messenger and network needs a QMl gui too. It can be
> in any Qt host, as it is a plugin architecture.

That's a technological detail -- I like Qt, and it certainly makes it easier 
to reach a high level of integration. The requirements I talked about are ver 
much from a user's point of view though.

As to IM, we're currently working with the Telepathy and Peregrine teams on 
this topic. It would be interesting how well these technologies integrate with 
your solutions, advantages and drawbacks. Integrating another completely 
vertical system is unlikely to yield a desirable overall user experience 
though -- as is the lack of a touch-friendly UI. Those items would surely need 
improvements before they can be considered.

> We appreciate people joining the project for a total new mobile gui
> for that project. Tell me your name and we subscribe you.
> Yes you are right bookmarks should be flexible to share. Dooble 1.27
> release soon will have bookmarks, 

We currently store Bookmarks in the Nepomuk store, which also makes it easy to 
use them from other apps, or frameworks like share-like-connect. Any plans for 

> for now please build the svn.
> Well.. please feel free to join the projects, it´s your turn now.

I won't be much useful there, since I already have more than enough things on 
my plate. Of course I can't speak for others, so someone might take you up on 
that offer. :)

I'd be happy to assist with Plasma specific knowledge, if you want to work 
towards making your apps available on Plasma Active, but won't be able to 
actively chip in with code. Again, you can find us on the active at list, 
and also on Freenode's IRC network, in #active.

sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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