Proposal: Plasma Active Three end of August

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Aug 8 12:21:22 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 08 August 2012, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Hey all,
> It's been a while since we did our previous stable release (December).
> Since we basically only had feature development on the fringes (apps),
> performance and bugfix work on the core, and did not merge really big
> stuff into the core yet (but have plans to!), we might want to release
> Plasma Active Three before we do those merges.

since a while i try to keep it quite stable i think the state of the plasma-
mobile repo is releaseable

(only thing too much unfinished in plasma-mobile master at the moment is the 
locale settings module, should be disabled)

> The merges that are in the pipeline are Nepomuk2 ports of various
> components, some moves of components from
> plasma-mobile/components/mobilecomponents into kde-runtime.

a pa3 release also means we can unblock the stuff that is right now in branch.

at the moment the big unmerged things are:
* Package component moving from org.kde.plasma.mobilecomponents to 

* the component PageRow being merged in kde-runtime (same api as PageStack, 
arranges pages in sliding columns, ideal for menus)

* a system for alarms in plasma-mobile that comprises a dataengine a ui to set 
them, an ui to display them (still to come). Depends from PageRow.
And yes, it uses akonadi for the alarms and they are shared with KAlarm

of the above 3 points the first two should wait PA3, the third there *may* be 
enough time to merge it (it would have to use a private copy of PageRow in the 

> What's needed for the release is:
> (0) tarballs
> (1) Mer image as reference implementation
> (2) Announcement texts
> (3) Screenshots
> (4) Movie showing off current state-of-the-art
> I can do (2) and (3), and possibly (4) (if I get my broken Archos tablet to
> work, otherwise on wetab again). Any more takers? :)
> Please add anything I'm forgetting and give feedback to the plan.

before (2), gathering just a list of the most prominent features on which 
construct the text on, i can help with that

as usual, i'll help with anything, but people please don't be shy and 
volunteer :p

Marco Martin

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