[kde-workspace] kwin/data/desktop: Move kwin/data to kwin/data/desktop so that I can add kwin/data/active.

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Tue Apr 24 18:13:03 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 24 April 2012 18:11:45 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> No, that was not a need for an urgent fix. AFAIU this was for a testing
> image for software under development. The new window switcher layout for PA
> is only integrated in current KWin master, which has not yet entered the
> testing phase. KWin itself does not yet support any configuration update
> from 4.8 to current master (see Bug 296775 [1]). The plan is to have one
> upgrade script to handle all changes in configuration - which could have
> included PA as well.
Nope, unfortunately it was not a testing image. The changes were recently 
merged to the repository which the *stable* Plasma Active 2 image provided by 
basyskom uses The merge announced in [1] has happened by now and contains the 
KWin version which requires the new switcher layout. I installed the stable 
image, updated and experienced the bug. So any user who installed the stable 
PA2 Meego image on a device and did zypper ref && zypper up would have the 
same problem.
Maybe the process of merging devel code into the stable repositories is 
problematic, but that's the way it's currently done.

> I understand that you had been concerned about the situation - and rightly
> you are: broken updates are an unpleasant experience. I am also not
> questioning the need for the change, but the workflow of how the change got
> introduced. And I see here potential to improve the situation which will go
> to the active mailinglist in a dedicated mail.

I don't oppose your opinion regarding the workflow. It was unfortunate. I just 
wanted to clarify why Lamarque did the fix in a bit of a hurry. This was "a 
series of unfortunate events", and I think we can and have learned from it.

[1] http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/active/2012-April/003447.html

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