eBook reader proposal

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Apr 5 13:17:15 UTC 2012

On Wednesday, April 4, 2012 18:24:43 Marco Martin wrote:
> from a technical point of view, a good way to proceed i think would be this:

100% agreed. (no surprise :)

good news is that the viewer area is already nicely separated from the rest of 
the application. in fact, it is a QWidget that basically just paints pixmaps 
delivered from the renderers.

so what may make sense is to take advantage of QML being able to show pixmaps 
natively and expose just some QObject based classes which provide the 
interface for fetching those pixmaps. this is what the current QWidget 
basically does already, so the work to make this happen should not be very big 
at all.

while having this as a separately loadable QML component should be the end 
goal, i think that to make that more achievable it would make sense to make 
the current app work in the manner described above and then once it is working 
within the app to make it a separate, externally-loaded QML component.

.. and that will be VERY cool as it will open up viewer capabilities to any 
other app as long as this one is installed.

Aaron J. Seigo
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