eBook reader proposal

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 16:24:43 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 04 April 2012, Bogdan Cristea wrote:
> > 
> > thoughts?
> Agree, there is room for improvements. I can do this myself, though more
> feedback from UX experts would be useful (Thomas Pfeiffer ?). I'll also
> have a look at how to integrate this in OBS.

from a technical point of view, a good way to proceed i think would be this:

* the part that actually loads and views the files would be a c++ qml import 
and ideally depend from the least amount of stuff as possible, so is possible 
to just import it and use it elsewhere

* there should be just one window and one declarative view for the whole app

in this way would be quite simple to develop an app that integrates perfectly 
and would be still simple to make another one that doesn't depend from much 
stuff if needed, while minimizing duplication

Marco Martin

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