eBook reader proposal

Bogdan Cristea cristeab at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 11:09:16 UTC 2012


> cool; i cloned it locally, made a few small modifications in a local
> branch
> (which git.kde.org is refusing to let me push; i might end up doing a
> personal clone and pushing my changes there for now?) to things like the
> animaton speed, the animation shape, spacing and margins in the top level
> layout ..
> nothing major, just little tweaks here and there.
> some things that occured to me while doing this include:
> * it would be very nice to move from qmake to cmake; main benefit is that
> cmake makes it easy to get rid of the hard coded values like "/usr/bin"
> for installation. bonus point: it's the tool we use everywhere else so we
> have lots of expertise available on this. i'd be happy to make the switch
> with your blessing.

I was thinking at the same think to have an uniform approach for application 
installing as for the other AP apps. Once I set a public repository, I'll let 
you do this.

> * right now there is a top level QWidget based layout and things like the
> toolbar, while done in QML, are in QDeclarativeViews inside that QWidget
> layout. this really limits what is possible, such as being able to place
> the toolbar on top of the content. what would be much nicer is to have a
> single QDeclarativeView with all the QML in there and put the C++
> document widget inside that (which is pretty easy to do with QML's
> QObject support). then we can do things like place the toolbar and other
> elements more freely. it should also improve performance by avoiding the
> overhead of multiple QML engines and, at least with QML2, will allow
> painting and updates to be handled all in one render tree.
> thoughts?

Agree, there is room for improvements. I can do this myself, though more 
feedback from UX experts would be useful (Thomas Pfeiffer ?). I'll also have a 
look at how to integrate this in OBS.

> (btw, noticed the blue border is already gone around the document area and
> some of the other changes you've been making behind the scenes as well ...
> generally nice stuff

In MeeGo I have not seen this behavior, but in openSUSE 12.1, notebook plasma, 
this was indeed an issue (now corrected). Also, the touch screen was not 
handled properly, so I needed to set window hints flags.


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