eBook reader proposal

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue Apr 3 18:03:01 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, April 3, 2012 13:01:29 Bogdan Cristea wrote:
> tabletReader, which I would like to expand to became an eBook reader for AP.

cool; i cloned it locally, made a few small modifications in a local branch 
(which git.kde.org is refusing to let me push; i might end up doing a personal 
clone and pushing my changes there for now?) to things like the animaton 
speed, the animation shape, spacing and margins in the top level layout ..

nothing major, just little tweaks here and there.

some things that occured to me while doing this include:

* it would be very nice to move from qmake to cmake; main benefit is that cmake 
makes it easy to get rid of the hard coded values like "/usr/bin" for 
installation. bonus point: it's the tool we use everywhere else so we have 
lots of expertise available on this. i'd be happy to make the switch with your 

* right now there is a top level QWidget based layout and things like the 
toolbar, while done in QML, are in QDeclarativeViews inside that QWidget 
layout. this really limits what is possible, such as being able to place the 
toolbar on top of the content. what would be much nicer is to have a single 
QDeclarativeView with all the QML in there and put the C++ document widget 
inside that (which is pretty easy to do with QML's QObject support). then we 
can do things like place the toolbar and other elements more freely. it should 
also improve performance by avoiding the overhead of multiple QML engines and, 
at least with QML2, will allow painting and updates to be handled all in one 
render tree.


(btw, noticed the blue border is already gone around the document area and 
some of the other changes you've been making behind the scenes as well ... 
generally nice stuff :)

Aaron J. Seigo
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