RFC: Adjust the visual display of the categories in the "add resource window"

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Fri Oct 28 14:06:25 UTC 2011

 > one of the key differences is that in the about app there are only 3
> i don't know if we will want to have more categories or not there, but
> pretty obvious that it won't scale that much.

Citing myself ;) :
Only disadvantage: We'd need to limit the number of categories. But to 
me this is actually a good thing because with too many categories,
users won't know what to find where anyway.

> here we are again in the problem of chosing one item in an huge list, so
> answer once again is resource browser (sounding like a broken record
> ;)
> that add resource thing is something that even not being it,
> really takes the place of a file selection dialog.
> so what are the criteria i could use to find something? (that basically
> also the ones i used to design the api of the nepomuk model)
> * full teext searc
> * type, if i know that i'm searching for a "document" (very generic
types as
> is now i think is ok, the more detailed they become, like
> pagedtextdocument,
> the more useless they become)
> * date, if i rememebr that was roughly 2 moths ago i took that photo
> * rating, if i did put some stars "just to find it again in the future"
> * tags: kinda time expensive to do (just ui issue i think), extremely
> efficient to be used for searching then
> * other type specific stuff, like filtering contacts by company, genre
> mp3s and things like that
> designing an ui that lets to do all of this that won't look goofy and
> massively cluttered will be a clallenge, but the direction has to be
> if for pa2 there will still just be this simple filter by type is fine,
> important is that the architecture leans towards realizing that

And, citing myself again:
"To emphasize my point: Yes, this is where the whole strength of Nepomuk
comes into play and we should really really leverage that potential
anywhere we can. Right now, the advantages aren't really obvious yet to
so we have to make them obvious.
This still requires a lot more work, though, so I'd be okay with changing
the interaction of our current category model until then."

So yes, I completely agree with you. We oh so need that! But unless it
requires too much work - which will probably be discarded after the switch
to the full-featured resource browser -, I'd vote for using the "tabs" for
with the categories we have right now as an intermediate step that at
makes the interaction with the current system easier. 

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