let's begin with two

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Wed Oct 12 17:05:09 UTC 2011

> For me, from a designers perspective, there is the big goal of polishing
> current User Interface and its Interaction. This has been not
> yet. Just a few things to mention about that:
> - A big goal should be becoming more and more touchfriendly, touch
> centered, offering a real flow while working with the product (for
> the add items and cancel buttons in the add resource dialog are too
> desktop-like). We talked a bit about this topic in our last workshop
> - we should now concretize the steps.
> - Switching: the flow of working between activity and apps, switching
> opening is not mature yet - there was also a mail about "a lot of elbow"
> movement on the ML as well
> - Shaping and polishing the User Interface and its experience; there are
> little issues like the activity switcher wheel that looks bad with only
> 3 activity thumbnails, because they are too far away from each other; or
> sometimes a wording that is not optimal. For this point I would like to
> invest time in heavy user testing. With PA1 we have a version that users
> test, try, sqeeze, adjust.... and we should observe them. I am 100%sure,
> that there are still a lot of traps in the UI, that should be fixed
> - ShareLikeConnect: the current context menu is not final in my opinion.
> It doesnt work consistently for all types of resources (there is "remove
> bookmark" but no "remove/unlink document") and is not intuitively
> understandable.
> So, besides the recommendation feature I would rather use the time to
> polish UI wise. If there is time left we can try to think about a smart
> how to implement the image management workflow and adapt its patterns
> to the rest of the system. But thats already a big tasks for 5 weeks
only ;)

Hmmm... looks like there is a priority conflict between usability and
here. I agree with you that all the points you mentioned are valid and
need to
be fixed in order to get a polished UX.
On the other hand, I see the the absence of a file organizing mechanism as
major drawback for usefulness in many usecases. We have many viewer apps
pre-installed (Image Viewer, Okular, Calligra Active, Bangarang) because,
stated on our homepage, "Small ultraportables favor consumption over
But since all of the above apps are used to view/play files, users will
need to
organize them in order to really get benefit from Plasma Active (or at
import them form external media, unless they have everything in the

Therefore I think it is okay to not have a system that fully supports the
organizing user story  in PA2 yet, but to me the system feels really
if I have to use Konsole in order to get files from an external drive onto
Plus, a file organizing mechanism could also help with the problem of new
not being indexed because Strigi is suspended since it would have to
addition to the Nepomuk database in order to work anyway.

But that's just my opinion. I think we have two major tasks here (ux
and file organization) which both need to be done at some point, so we as
team have to decide on priorities for PA2.

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