components components components

Marco Martin notmart at
Thu Nov 3 19:26:58 UTC 2011

On Monday 31 October 2011, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > for how qml imports work right now there is no specific fallback, so if
> > even just one component has to be changed a fork of the whole set would
> > be required (ouch;)
> this is an installation issue, right? could we not install two copies of
> things, and just have one copy (and therefore no code-duplication) in the
> git repo? then the resolution could be automagic and hidden from the QML
> entirely, just as we do for in packages.

Hi all,
now the components are more or less finished.

there remains the problem of changing the set for plasma active.

the problem is the usual: 
is i write org org.kde.plasma.components

is it searched for the file org/kde/plasma/components/qmldir under the qml 
imports folder.

so basically i don't see other options that chenging that same qmldir file 
unfortunately, some of the alternatives include:

* installing all the files once in org/kde/plasma/components/desktop once in 
org/kde/plasma/components/tablet and then the qmldir file in 
org/kde/plasma/components/ will define either of the ones (so two alternate 
packages i guess


* installing the components *not* in the usual import dir 
(/usr/lib/kde4/imports) but somewhere else, then the applications add that 
somewhere else in the imports dir before /usr/lib/kde4/imports, in this case 
the other path should "win" and this being configuration dependent.

i was thinking about  /usr/lib/kde4/platformimports/tablet

the second solution seems more elegant, but much more error prone since every 
c++ app the uses qml will have to add the import paths in the proper order or  
crazy problems will happen

Marco Martin

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