resources, plasmoids and hacks

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Jun 8 22:09:31 CEST 2011

Hi all,
i was toying around with an idea i had, mostly to have pictures that can 
explain it better:

right now it's quite an evil hack but shouldn't be too hard to make it work as 
it should.

basically the weather applet is a plasmoid, the resource lists aren't, 
everything is disposed in the same layout, and the user really doesn't notice 
the difference (and shouldn't) since makes as sense putting a series of 
resources and knowing the weather for an activity about planning something 
outdoor ;)

in the end i think it should work almost as in the desktopgrid containment (as 
reference for who used kde desktop) with optional scrolling around. when he 
thing becomes really large.

and with this would be easier to
a) reorder the boxes around as there seems to be demand for
b) a bit more flexible for widgets, compared to the appletstrip (heard some 
complaints about it as well)
c) not having to ship two different types of activity, resource centric OR 
widget centric

comments? ;)

Marco Martin

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