Lessons for PA3

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Fri Dec 16 10:57:05 UTC 2011

Hey all,

So now PA2 is out the door -- congratulations on this to everyone!

As our experiences are fresh, our thoughts unstructured and our emotions laden 
with release-adrenaline, let's talk about what we want to do differently in 
our next cycle.

* Longer cycle

The past cycle, having been extremely short, we didn't have the time to 
introduce some bigger changes, that we thought were almost ready. This 
includes the window strip, startactive (in the Balsam case), pre-configured 
homedirs and a few more items. I think we really got in what we could, but a 
longer cycle would have been better.

* Longer freeze

The time between "code ready" and release was too short. It didn't leave 
enough time to package, test and build images, so at release, not everything 
was ready. It should really be at least one week after we're done with the 
code (I mean, really done :-))

* Clearer "what do we ship"

There has been quite a bit of patch juggling in the last days before the 
release, and to me it was hard to find out what exactly to ship. We need to 
get this more clearly defined, and have some time between code-freeze and 
release to make sure everything works.

I'm sure there are other things we want to improve, but these are the most 
important ones that spring to my mind. If we keep these in mind, I'm sure our 
shared stress levels can be kept at a lower rate for future releases.


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