Packaging bangarang with "--touch" for Plasma Active

Andrew Lake jamboarder at
Thu Dec 15 00:07:52 UTC 2011

I haven't had a chance to install PA2 on my tablet device yet but I
wanted to mention that the bangarang should be packaged to run with
the "--touch" command line option by default for all target Plasma
Active installations. It may already be known but I thought I'd
explicitly communicate this in case it is not. (A quick hint is if you
can't flick scroll the playlist or if the bar at bottom with the
playback controls isn't a very dark grey then the --touch option isn't

I'm not sure what the best way to deal with this is from the app
developer end. I could supply two desktop files, one with and one
without the command line option. But that would create multiple
desktop entries.  If anyone has any ideas for how to better manage
this from my end please let me know.

peace and much respect,

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