Image, 5. 12.

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Dec 6 17:21:15 UTC 2011

On Tuesday, December 6, 2011 16:57:50 Fania Bremmer wrote:
> crashes... but it becomes critical if a stable testing image is not
> available over weeks.

yes, the tight time pressures were high and impacted everyone. what you 
describe as your challenges with shortness of time are mirrored by others who 
were also involved in this release cycle. at least we get to suffer together, 
right? ;)

granting each other allowances for the impact such constraints bring is 
important. the last thing we want to see is people facing burn out due to 
pressure or growing to resent the expectations placed on them because they 
aren't realistic.

on the positive side: i think we have learned that even a "simple" 
bugs'n'performances release for Plasma Active is just not doable with a 2 
month dev cycle. this is  something everyone seems to agree on given the 
recent "we're having a longer release cycle for PA3, right?" thread.

the developers are also learning more about what the designers and packagers 
need as well as we go through more release cycles together. sharing what you 
need for testing time frames, release materials, etc. is valuable so thanks 
for taking the time to do that.

from the developers' side of this, expecting a feature-merging process that 
honestly is designed for more relaxed development cycles to be followed 
perfectly is unrealistic when the release cycle is this tight.

so ... we're all learning together, and that's the most we can ask for. :)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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