info needed for Plasma Active Two release announcements

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Mon Dec 5 12:53:51 UTC 2011


Some additions from my side...

On Friday, December 02, 2011 12:13:46 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> we are tentatively going with the following three messages for the release
> announcement around PA2:
> * Improved usability
> 	* enhanced touch functionality in contour
> 	* improvements to web browsing
		* new sexy dashboard
		* combobox touch interaction bug fixed
		* previews for webpages (although they're not used yet in the browser 
		* Scrolling to the top on long pages is easier
		* Settings module (enable / disable plugins, ads, clear history)

> 	* settings app
> 	* consistent interface for adding things to activities
> 	* bug fixing (bugzilla says 92 issues closed so far, with 48 open)
* Basic touch-based editing features for TextField and TextArea (if we decide 
to include the patches, see my other email).
> * Performance improvements
> 	* improvements in keyboard
> 	* faster listings of applications

* Faster startup (whole system boot comparing 11.4 to 12.1 is about three 
times faster, unscientifically measured).

> * Recommendations

sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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