[Tellico-users] tellico 2.3.8 compile errors and other stuff

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Wed Aug 7 13:57:02 UTC 2013

>>> 3. I am mostly searching a couple of ISBN entries at once, but sometimes
>>> it shows me ISBN's that allegedly are not found, but they were found.
>> Which data source?
> Try for example this ISBN 3351005296 with the "Google-Büchersuche". No "not
> found"-message appears if I do a single search, but it appears with
> the "multiple search".

Thanks, I'll fix that.

> I don't know what the reason was at the first crash, it was several
> weeks ago. But the last crash appeared after updating items (with
> Google-Büchersuche).
> Another problem occured as I tried to print an item. Then a
> "Sorry"-message showed up with "books?id...". Now if i close this
> message, it opens again and again, interestingly with another id.
> The terminal output says for each message:
> #v+
> [0x8baa2c8] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
> QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
> tellico(11152) Tellico::Export::HTMLExporter::writeImages: unable to
> write image file: "/tmp/kde-michael/tellicoj9afMn/"
> "http://bks8.books.google.de/books?id=[..]&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api"
> #v-

There was a bug in the Google Book Search that didn't sanitize image 
names correctly. It was fixed in 2.3.6, but any images you saved vefore 
that would have a problem printing or being in reports.

> Oh and one final thing. I installed libyaz4-dev and libv4l-dev, but
> cmake couldn't locate it. I'm using Debian Wheezy.

Hmm, not sure about that one.


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