[rekonq] Fwd: Death of Johannes Tröscher aka fritzvantom

andrea diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 08:01:24 UTC 2013

I just replied Anke and David personally.
Just to let everyone else know...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anke Boersma <abveritas at chakra-project.org>
Date: 2013/3/17
Subject: Fwd: Death of Johannes Tröscher aka fritzvantom
To: andrea diamantini <adjam7 at gmail.com>

In case you don't know, and were wondering too were fritzvantom went

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anke Boersma <abveritas at chakra-project.org>
Date: Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: Death of Johannes Tröscher aka fritzvantom
To: David Schedl <schedldave at gmx.at>
Cc: boom1992 at chakra-project.org, manutortosa at chakra-project.org,
djustice at chakra-project.org, antoniojasr at chakra-project.org,
daniele.cocca at gmail.com, gcala at chakra-project.org

Hi David

Thank you so much of letting the Chakra team know about this, we have
wondered many times since last fall were "FritzvanTom" was.  But this
news......what a shock to all of us, and please extend our most sincere and
deepest condolences to you and his family.

Johannes Tröscher worked on almost every aspect of Chakra, his many
contributions include a much more user friendly bundle manager interface,
he wrote the Welcome Plasmoid anyone new to Chakra would see as a first
introduction.  Many parts of our installer Tribe got  improvements from his
code.  His active involvement in the KDE web-browser Rekonq, benefited the
whole KDE community.

We would like to make an announcement of this terrible news, to let our
user base know about this loss.  If you could (or wish to) provide a
picture, we'd like to use that.
If you are in agreement, then the team would also like to dedicate our next
ISO series (the live environment we release for users to install Chakra on
their system) to him, and will use the name "Fritz" for that.

On behalf of the Chakra-Project Team,
Anke Boersma
abveritas at chakra-project

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 4:34 PM, David Schedl <schedldave at gmx.at> wrote:

> Hi Chakra developers,
> the reason for my writing is a very sad one.
> Last September Johannes Tröscher, a friend of mine, died in a tragic
> accident.
> He was an open source enthusiast and often told me that he is working on
> some projects.
> I finally got the guts to do some research about his work and it turns out
> he worked on the Chakra project.
> This seems to be his gitorious account: (
> https://gitorious.org/~fritzvantom).
> This email has two purposes: The first is to inform you (the Chakra-devs)
> that he is dead; The second is that I am curious about his contributions to
> your community. The latter might also be interesting for his family.
> I am not involved in any open source development and therefore it is hard
> for me to judge how involved he has been in your project and how valuable
> he has been to your community.
> Maybe someone of your team can throw some light on this.
> I did send this mail to some random email addresses from your project page
> hoping it reaches the right people.
> I (and his family) would be very grateful to get an answer from you about
> your experiences with Johannes.
> Thank you very much. Let's remember him fondly!
> Best regards,
> David Schedl


Andrea Diamantini
WEB: http://www.adjam.org

rekonq project
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