[rekonq] Re : KRunner

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 18:27:32 CEST 2009

> When I saw your news about KRunner on planetKDE, I understood it would
>  benefit rekonq. You don't need to excuse you when all KDE benefit of your
>  work :) Can you explain us what changes RM needs ?
> Thank you very much !

The problem with the /reusing/ of the kickoff code is that kickoff has some 
strange data-models, but it could be reused in some degree...

We'll need to test whether RM can load only the specific type of runners (for 
example by setting the X-KDE-ParentApp property in .desktop file). If it 
doesn't, we'll have to do something about it.


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