Monday meeting notes for 15/11/2021

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Nov 15 11:41:04 GMT 2021

Kai Uwe
    * Firefox 1.8.1 has been released a few weeks back, bringing the
app back into the store, thanks fvogt and d_ed for support
    * Support wildcard in media controls blacklist, please review:
        I am also working on a UI to manage the domains list but
that's not strictly necessary for this imho
    * "Rename Plasma Search to KRunner"
but VDG has hinted they want to change name again... so I am hesistant
to merge
    * Wanted to delay showing screenshot notification until thumbnail
is ready, however sometimes causes popup to not show at all :/
    * Emit moving while renaming, fixes job tracker display for
trashing loads of files:
    * Port from deprecated Plasma::Applet constructor:
    * What shall we do with and
to some extent
    Show non-default Port in full host name (%H) in tab bar in Konsole
(so you can tell apart several connections to the same host on
different ports):

* half my week was spent looking into drag and drop problems, turns
out Qt does not support the most recent version of the wayland drag
and drop protocol
* but there's already a patch for implementing that which fixes most
of the issues
* and makes it a lot simpler to handle touch drag and drop needs to
land in qt6, then can be backported to our patch collection
* so now I'm looking into touch support for KWin's overview effect,
which means adding touch forwarding to KWin's QuickEffectView
* which unfortunately turns out to be another potential rabbit hole
since kwin's internal touch handling is quite different from what Qt
* but it may need more extensive changes

* Discover: Did look into Discover entirely stopping updates of
compulsory packages so it never happens that the distro suggests to
uninstall everything and the user just accepts it.
* Purpose: There's a PoC in a merge request about more ad-hoc sharing
API for our apps, so the workflows can be better documented.
* Homescreen: this one is a bit stuck, it's about having applications
list themselves with their GenericName on Plasma Mobile. It's a bit
stuck because some apps really identify as their branded name.
* KDE Connect Virtual Monitors feature is done and could use review. I
think it's especially interesting from a Plasma perspective.

# Plasma/Plamo
* reviewing stuff
# Kirigami
* Spent a bit of time around Noah's review to
find workable solutions, making last tests to the patch now, but seems
it's almost ready (tm)
# Wayland
* in general going trough the visible ui/interaction papercuts i'm seeing
* More time spent on the OSD issue, ended up with a patch in p-f, one
in the OSD qml in p-w, and after some investigation on a
kwayland-server patch which Vlad did the final form of it
* More time investigating wrong blur regions. the actual window with
blur behind doesn't get a commit. This fixes it
tough may need a more proper solution
* workaround to send slighly smaller blur and contrastregions to the
contrast effect so corners won't bleed over when scaling is on, very
visible look improvement
* looking into morphinpopups for wayland, have a patch which i'm
reworking based on feedback now

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