n+1st report about arrow keys in krunner

Jacopo De Simoi wilderkde at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 23:09:57 CET 2010

Dear plasmoids
  I just closed as WONTFIX the (n+1)st report about people trying to use downarrow key to select entries other than the first one in krunner default interface. In view of our committment to polish for 4.5 I guess it's time to do something about this issue, which seems to hit quite a number of users. 

The problem:
Krunner sports a command history feature similar to the konsole history, available by the uparrow and downarrow keys. 
The default interface shows results as a vertical list; this list can be browsed with the arrow keys once it has been focused (by pressing the TAB key). This focusing step is the one most users miss.
The confusion is probably made stronger by the fact that both the lineedit and the first entry are (virtually) focused at the same time, so one can reasonably expect the arrow keys to act on the result list instead that on the lineedit

Finding a consistent solution is not that simple, therefore I'd like to collect some proposals here, in order to have some time for testing during the .5 development cycle. 

I report here a proposal by kdepepo (from the latest bugreport) along with my comment about it:

If (and only if) pressing Down without any further entry in the history, then
it could move the focus to the first entry in the list.

The first entry is already focused, we should probably rather move to the second one;
Once the second one has been focused,  what happens if i hit Up? should I return focus to the lineedit?
This would basically bind focus on the first item with focus of the lineedit. Would this actually work?

Awaiting for your comments and further proposals!
Thanks a lot


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