[Panel-devel] Re: Plasmatic widgets

Zack Rusin zack at kde.org
Sun Jun 5 23:22:36 CEST 2005

On Sunday 05 June 2005 17:16, Richard Moore wrote:
> I suspect we'll want the ability to 'clone' the desktop widgets and
> bring them forward at times. But not as the normal state - for
> example being able to bring a weather applet to the front of the
> desktop by some sort of keyboard shortcut. This could easily be
> another instance of the same widget however.

Nah, it couldn't. It's either cool widget effects, custom path clipping, 
etc and no "bringing to the front" or less effects, no path clipping 
and ability to bring widgets to the front. Basically we can either make 
the desktop widgets real widgets and let wm control their stacking or 
we compose widgets on the desktop and we control them. 


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