[Owncloud] special characters in filenames

Jörn Friedrich Dreyer jfd at owncloud.com
Thu Aug 2 15:56:11 UTC 2012

On 02.08.2012 17:05, Emre Erenoglu wrote:
> For MD5SUM, a stupid question if I may ask,  could the md5sum or any 
> other checksum/hash be generated "on the fly" while the file is 
> uploaded from sync client, web interface or webdav? This way, we don't 
> need to spend additional IO cycles to upload and then hash. :)
I alway wanted to look this up. It seems that instead of using 
move_uploaded_file it is preferable to user fopen('php://input') to do 


   {fwrite($f,$kb,1024); }
Header("HTTP/1.1 201 Created"); }
{readfile(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); }


In a ddition to saving the buffer to a file we could use hash_init, 
hash_update and hash_final to create a hash for it without reading the 
whole thing again. This would also allow us to save the file directly to 
the location we want, without copying it when calling 
OC_Helper::streamCopy(), which should by the way use 
stream_copy_to_stream instead of reimplementing it, right?

seems nice, wanna implement it?

so long


[1] src: http://php.net/manual/de/features.file-upload.put-method.php

Jörn Friedrich Dreyer (jfd at owncloud.com)
Software Developer
ownCloud GmbH

Your Data, Your Cloud, Your Way!

ownCloud GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, Holger Dyroff
Schloßäckerstrasse 26a, 90443 Nürnberg, HRB 28050 (AG Nürnberg)

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