Mutlti-color highlighting

Simone Gaiarin simgunz at
Sat Jun 19 17:44:51 BST 2021

Hi Julius,
you can find 'highlighter' under 'text markup'. You can create multiple
highlighter quick annotation tools for different colors and access them
from the quick annotation drop down menu action in the main toolbar.


On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 1:16 PM Julius Hamilton <julkhami at> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> How can I create keyboard shortcuts or options in a right-click drop down
> menu for multi-color highlighting, in Okular?
> I opened the "Configure annotations" menu and pressed "Add". It gives me
> different annotation tools I could add but for some reason, all of them
> except highlight.
> How could I enable multi-color highlighting in a convenient manner?
> Also, is there a keyboard shortcut with which I can jump down a half or
> quarter page, rather than a full page?
> Thanks very much,
> Julius Hamilton
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