[Nepomuk] Nepomuk facets

Sebastian Trüg trueg at kde.org
Mon Jun 21 10:40:53 CEST 2010

Please find attached a quick brainstorm of a facet class.
The idea is that one restriction is one facet and those can be put in
groups. A group can be exclusive (for dates or types) or not (tags for
example). The a group can also have a range type which can be used by
the gui to create a range selection based on that type.

These groups could then be added to a model (the only reason for using a
model is that it can easily be displayed in a treeview - might be
overkill) which in turn could be filtered by a custom
QSortProxyFilterModel which hides all facets that do not change the
result (i.e. could of 0 or the same as the result set).

Can you find any use cases that cannot be expressed using it?


On 06/18/2010 03:15 PM, Alessandro Sivieri wrote:
> 2010/6/18 Sebastian Trüg <trueg at kde.org <mailto:trueg at kde.org>>
>     The problem remaining is date ranges: it is simple to have fixed dates
>     for stuff like "this week" or "today" but a custom range is harder. One
>     possibility would be to have a generic facet which can handle literal
>     values like so:
> There is also a UI problem with custom date ranges: I dropped it (for
> now), because it has a fixed minimum width too large, and it blocked the
> whole layout (at least, having it in a QStack); some kind of popup might
> be applied here...
> Now I understand your model idea, but I don't know if it is the best way
> to have just a single model with "everything" in it; I will think about it.
> Meanwhile, I have separated model and view in Sembrowser (I am still
> testing it, so it may not make sense or work :) )...
> -- 
> Sivieri Alessandro
> alessandro.sivieri at gmail.com <mailto:alessandro.sivieri at gmail.com>
> http://www.chimera-bellerofonte.eu/
> http://www.poul.org/
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