[Ktechlab-devel] A random thought that made me smile (and another point in favour of GUI separation)

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Mon Nov 16 01:15:29 UTC 2009

Axel Jaeger wrote:
>  Two things from me:
> 1) Regarding the canvas replacement: Maybe I missed something but why
> should QGraphicsView not be suitable for the project? Implementing an
> own canvas on top of opengl or whatever is clearly not the main goal of
> the project and should be forwarded to some library

Great, you do that.

My issue is that I really can't get a handle on the KDE4 porting
process. On the other hand, I'm fairly comfortable with the OpenGL model
so I have a much clearer picture of how it would work... Remember, that
negative coordinants are valid in ktechlab so that, normally, you don't
have to care about where stuff is in the plane. (there is a bug there
but it is easy to ignore.)

> 2) Regarding other software:
> Today a friend of mine pointed me to this software:
> http://fritzing.org/
> It is a circuit design programm that has besides PCB and schematic view
> also a breadboard view. It is based on Qt4 and looks nice. They also
> have a working canvas.

Hmm, it's not in Portage (Gentoo)... I'm certainly not going to stop you
from talking to them on behalf of ktechlab.

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