[Ktechlab-devel] Can't compile ktechlab: "error: no matching function for call... "

thomas at tgohome.com thomas at tgohome.com
Thu Apr 23 06:49:48 UTC 2009

> Simply use the standard diode and give it whatever reverse breakdown
> potential you need. ;)

Thanks, I'll try this.

By the way, can components be destroyed in KTechLab? Obviously a
transistor isn't going to switch 1,000,000 volts, for example, so what
happens then? Is it the same for the diodes - once you bring them too far
past their reverse breakdown they kind of tend to explode in real life so
what happens in the simulation? And I assume that this would need to be
modified by zeners.

> That's strange. What compiler are you using? Your snip seems to suggest
> GCC 4.3, I use GCC 4.3.3... When I work on the code, I preferentially
> use STL classes (Standard Template Library), because I assume they're
> well, standard... So I'd guess you're missing a package on your system
> or have something misconfigured. I use Gentoo so my system is strongly
> self-checking and even sometimes self-correcting. =P

I'm using GCC 4.3.3:

thomas at saturn:~$ g++ --version
g++ (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) 4.3.3
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