[Ktechlab-devel] sdcc problem

Luis Claudio Gamboa Lopes lcgamboa at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 16 15:02:17 UTC 2008

In comand line sdcc:

sdcc -V  -mpic14 -p16f628 0001-test.c

+ "/usr/local/bin/sdcpp" -nostdinc -Wall -std=c99 -obj-ext=.o -DSDCC_MODEL_SMALL -DSDCC=280 -DSDCC_REVISION=5117 -DSDCC_pic14 -D__pic14 -DSDCC_PROCESSOR="16f628" -I"/usr/local/bin/../share/sdcc/include/pic14" -I"/usr/local/share/sdcc/include/pic14" -I"/usr/local/bin/../share/sdcc/include" -I"/usr/local/share/sdcc/include" -I"/usr/local/bin/../share/sdcc/include/pic" -I"/usr/local/share/sdcc/include/pic"  "0001-test.c"
+ "/usr/local/bin/gpasm" -c "0001-test.asm"
+ "/usr/local/bin/gplink" -I"/usr/local/bin/../share/sdcc/lib" -I"/usr/local/share/sdcc/lib"  -I"/usr/local/bin/../share/sdcc/lib/pic" -I"/usr/local/share/sdcc/lib/pic"   -w -r -o 0001-test 0001-test.o   libsdcc.lib pic16f628.lib
message: using default linker script "/usr/local/share/gputils/lkr/16f628.lkr"

In ktechlab (with error):
gplink --hex-format inhx16 --map --output /home/gamboa/Desktop/sdcctest/0001-test.hex /tmp/kde-gamboa/ktechlabj084nb.o
message: using default linker script "/usr/local/share/gputils/lkr/16f628.lkr"
error: missing definition for symbol "_CMCON", required by "/tmp/kde-gamboa/ktechlabj084nb.o"
error: missing definition for symbol "_PORTA", required by "/tmp/kde-gamboa/ktechlabj084nb.o"
error: missing definition for symbol "_PORTB", required by "/tmp/kde-gamboa/ktechlabj084nb.o"
error: missing definition for symbol "_TRISA", required by "/tmp/kde-gamboa/ktechlabj084nb.o"
error: missing definition for symbol "__sdcc_gsinit_startup", required by "/tmp/kde-gamboa/ktechlabj084nb.o"
error: missing definition for symbol "_TRISB", required by "/tmp/kde-gamboa/ktechlabj084nb.o"
*** Linking failed ***

Example file used in test in annex.


Prof.Luis Claudio Gambôa Lopes

CEFET-MG Campus Leopoldina

Coordenação de Informática Industrial/Automação


--- Em ter, 16/9/08, P Zoltan <zoltan.padrah at gmail.com> escreveu:
De: P Zoltan <zoltan.padrah at gmail.com>
Assunto: Re: [Ktechlab-devel] sdcc problem
Para: lcgamboa at yahoo.com, ktechlab-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
Data: Terça-feira, 16 de Setembro de 2008, 11:08

On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 17:25:02 +0200, Luis Claudio Gamboa Lopes  
<lcgamboa at yahoo.com> wrote:

> The problem is ktechlab!
> ktechlab assembler files into objects, using sdcc and gpasm, but link  
> this objects with gplink and not using sdcc. New versions of sdcc using  
> lib files for PICs , but ktechlab don't  tell it to gplink!
> Using sdcc in console the file compile and link normally and the hexfile  
> generated can be used in ktechlab.

  Could you please send a correct command-sequence to compile something  
with sdcc? I want to create a bug report for thisd and to fix it one day...


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