[Ktechlab-devel] A way forward.

Mauricio Giovagnini maugiovagnini at yahoo.com.ar
Thu May 22 12:00:29 UTC 2008

Jason Lucas escribió:
> Whilst I'm struggling to justify spending anymore time on this project,
> I'm impressed by how many of you guys want the project to continue. I'd
> be even more impressed if this sort of support happened without teh
> threat of the project shut-down. 

Perhaps not so fast... In my personal situation I always 
planned to join the project in one way or another, just 
because I think its a nice idea. .  If I haven't done it 
before is due to lack of time and as I said before, because 
I think I could start helping the project by adding some 
translations or help more adding more testing and 
functionality on the Microcontrollers (specially Microchip) 

This is the kind of tools that once one becomes used to use 
them its incredible the amount of time it can save! and how 
much we can learn with it.

Rebuilding a circuit is as easy as changing connections on 
the screen =) =)

I know many people use proprietary software for such 
purposes... but I also know they don't have it legitimately 
which is absurd because If the software is proprietary and 
most of the users use a pirated copy... how do they think 
the software company will survive? There are many cases like 
that... investing time and effort in learning a proprietary 
software and using a pirated copy is... a big risk.  You 
have big chances to loose all what you learn due to a 
permanent project shutdown.

 > Perhaps I could offer an example of a
> really successful OSS project that we could find inspiration from. 
> I'd like you to have a look at the Open TTD project:
> http://www.openttd.com/ 
> This is a well established project with a large support base. We could
> learn a lot from this project, in particular, have a look at their
> forums, and specifically at their project road-maps on the wiki.
> (Somewhat sadly, I can spend many hours playing that game!)
> It just shows what is possible in the open source community. 

Yes, its a great game. I enjoy a lot simulation and strategy 
games.  The are other success cases in the OSS community, 
linux itself is. GCC, Lazarus, SDCC, and many others.

I also enjoy SAMBA much, it started as an OS project and 
received the support (donations) of many companies 
interested in the project evolution.

Ktechlab has not a commercial projection, at least I can't 
imagine one now but has a potentially use in college or 
technical schools.

> If you guys can pull together and encourage others to participate, then
> there is no reason that we can make KTechLab a really successful project
> and avoid KTechLab going the way of the Sinclair QL ;)

Hehe, of course, it will survive.  If the project would have 
shutdown it will have come the day when someone takes the 
torch and continues running with it. :) :)

Mauricio Giovagnini (Maunix)
Cordoba, Arg.
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mgiovagnini

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