[Ktechlab-devel] Domain

Alain PORTAL alain.portal at free.fr
Tue Apr 17 19:26:35 UTC 2007


Le mardi 17 avril 2007, David Saxton a écrit :
> Sorry, my normal email address has been having some
> problems. I'm still around, but no longer have the
> time to dedicate to developing KTechlab. The server
> that it was hosted on went down, and unfortunately I
> don't have a backup (although there should be a backup
> somewhere...). If you want the domain pointed
> somewhere else, just send me an email.

Happy to hear you still alive!
I try, and probably many people, to join you.
And I get no answer from you....
Tell us what you want to do!

Many people think that ktechlab is really a GREAT project.
We don't want ktechlab died.
I (we) can understand you have time enough for the project. Bur many people 
are waiting for it :-)
We are numeros people to try to continue on Ktechlab.
It should be nice, if you can, if you can telle tell why you don't continue 
any more on the project

Evert body listen to you !!!

Yours sincerely
Les pages de manuel Linux en français
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