KStars 3.5.4 is released

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Tue Jul 6 22:29:18 BST 2021

Hello everyone,

KStars 3.5.4 is *finally* released more than 2 week after its due
date. This release incorporates work by GSoC 2021 student Valentin
Boettcher who overhauled the DSO handling in KStars. We now have
catalog deduplication whereas multiple catalogs are merged into one
master catalog. Furthermore, the objects in the catalogs are
trixel-indexed, just like stars, which resulted in performance and
utilization boosts across the board. Valentin is working on a blog to
explain all the details!

We have lots of work ahead in 3.5.5 with many new contributors from
outside the project. Exciting times ahead! Thanks to all the
developers, users, testers, translators, and all the great team at KDE
who made this possible.

Best Regards,
Jasem Mutlaq

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