KStars Handbook

Hy Murveit murveit at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 19:47:56 BST 2021

I had a few questions about the KStars Handbook.

*Background and Thanks:*
I had thought that it was not being updated for some technical reason, but
then Patrick pointed out that it is now being updated again. Thanks very
much to whomever fixed that!

I guess the right url for the handbook is
that it was updated on 3/11/2021. How often is it updated from source?

Yuri: I saw you added a section on the terrain feature. Thanks!!

I'm curious who is currently working on it.  Is there a "Handbook leader"?

Yuri: Are you "in charge"? Are you actively modifying things, or planning
on writing sections or organizing more?

Ken: I know Ken was looking at updating things, but I don't know if you
(Ken) submitted changes, or what. If you have, what are your

I also think that at a high level, Ekos could be emphasized more. For
example, on the first table-of-contents page, Ekos should rise to the top
level (and, for example be "6. Ekos") and the top paragraph could be broken
in 2, etc etc.

Should someone who has the time go through it, and re-organize? Is this
already happening? (I'm not volunteering, but would be excited to see it
happen, and would be happy to do sections, especially for the parts of
Ekos/KStars I've modified the past couple years).

Is there a WYSIWYG docbook editor that people use, or do people just edit
the XML?

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