KStars 3.5.0 Released

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Sat Nov 21 15:17:49 GMT 2020

Hello everyone,

KStars 3.5.0 is now officially released. Thanks to the hard work of all the
developers and contributors who made this release possible.

As usual, I tried to summarize the major highlights of the the release
here: https://knro.blogspot.com/2020/11/kstars-v350-is-released.html

I know I didn't cover everything as numerous changes were made in the last
few months. Master will soon switch (probably tomorrow) to 3.5.1

There are no tags since we're still stuck with KDE Application tags. I
suppose we can create "vv3.5.0" to denote this and stick with "vv" for
future tags.

Clear skies!
Best Regards,
Jasem Mutlaq
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