Fwd: KStars

KDE eV Android kdeonandroid at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 16:55:28 BST 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jacob Nowatzke <jacob.nowatzke at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 12, 2020 at 1:31 AM
Subject: KStars
To: <kdeonandroid at gmail.com>


Many folks have still been experiencing the crash after the loading
NGC and IC message. I experience them in my current Pixel3a. I can get
the app yo load on my Galaxy S8 as before, however now I can no longer
access my INDI server, even though the web manager is working on web
browser by visiting IP:8624. Get status displays nothing and connect
to server does nothing except stays selected for a moment, then when
you back out of the INDI panel settings, a message briefly appears
"Could not connect to the INDI server".

This app can really use a few bug fixes, as it's important that folks
see a working app to have more faith in other applications. Hoping
your team can check it out soon.

Best regards,

Jacob Nowatzke
Trinidad, CA, USA

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