KStars Developers Hangout #1

Wolfgang Reissenberger sterne-jaeger at openfuture.de
Fri Jun 5 11:28:22 BST 2020

Same for me, one or two topics per meeting is the most sufficient one. I also like the ideas of submitting a written outline of the topic.

What about if we set a deadline for topic submissions and do subsequently a voting only on those topics where an outline is available? The rest we could put in our backlog.

Looking forward seeing you soon!


> Am 05.06.2020 um 09:11 schrieb Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>:
> Hello Hy,
> I like this idea of picking a certain topic and then focusing on it during a meeting. So the meeting is an online workshop to get things *done* for that particular discussion item. At least write the outlines and general strategy. 
> --
> Best Regards,
> Jasem Mutlaq
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 9:47 AM Hy Murveit <murveit at gmail.com <mailto:murveit at gmail.com>> wrote:
> I'd be happy to attend the 2nd monthly meeting!
> I know Jasem was disappointed by the lack of action after the 1st, but for me it was a positive experience just getting to know people and understanding a bit more about the project. 
> I don't know if I can make an agenda from the past minutes. How about a change of pace, and have a single topic meeting.  It would have to be a topic that is of general interest--that is, I could spend an hour talking about some project I'm doing, but I'm afraid that wouldn't be too interesting for everyone else. 
> I think it would need to be something like (these are only examples, please provide your own):
> - KStars 2020 plan, or 
> - release cycle
> - how to do code reviews/merge-requests
> - how to document, 
> - how can we get to more automated testing, 
> - how to get more people interested in developing, or 
> - whether we want to get more people interested in developing, or ...
> - how do we better understand users, get data on what they're using/doing,
> - big new feature areas
> - should we tear apart module X and start over?
> - how do we keep the forum civil
> - should we have a "code yellow" on topic X (where we all drop what we normally would do, and focus for a period of time on some important but under-loved topic. At Google we had these related to test coverage, refactoring, speed-ups, ...). 
> - ...
> A concrete proposal is for any/all of us to have, say 1 week, to submit emails detailing what topic we love, and what there is to discuss in that topic. I strongly feel some up-front written info to think about would be helpful for the live discussion. After that week, we spend the next week voting on the topic (e.g. everyone picks their top 2, with 3 points for #1 and 1 point for #2) then tally up the votes, then have the meeting and discuss.
> How does that sound? It only works if people actually (a) send in topics, and (b) are interested in attending with said topic.
> Alternatively, we can have another group discussion, which can also be fun.
> Hy
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 2:52 AM Eric Dejouhanet <eric.dejouhanet at gmail.com <mailto:eric.dejouhanet at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry for being so late to the minutes (it took me ages to restore my subscription), it was a real pleasure to talk with you all too.
> In order to increase the accessibility of the mailing list, I propose we use the Badges functionality of the brand new invent.kde.org <http://invent.kde.org/>. Shields.io offers a long list of small predefined and customizable badges that we could add to the front page of the project.
> Could we arrange a new conference in June ?
> We said it would be better to set it in the evening for US and morning for EU. I propose we continue to use the Google Meet or Hangout systems unless you have other preferences.
> Although my network line is small, I can also research how to record the meeting (I’m a noob at this).
> Hy, would you propose an agenda from Jasem’s minutes ?
> -Eric
> - eric.dejouhanet at gmail.com <mailto:eric.dejouhanet at gmail.com> – https://astronomy.dejouha.net <https://astronomy.dejouha.net/>

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