Change language and "no other" ...

Andreas Schleth schleth_es at
Fri Nov 3 11:43:39 GMT 2023


the strange fact, that one KPA starts with English and the others with
German has cleared itself: It is the differnet command below the desktop
icon: "LANG=C;kphotoalbum -c /home/..." versus the plain call without
setting the LANG variable.

Thus, the setting of the LANG environment variable overrides all
settings that might be done in the UI. Point 1 solved.
I am going to put point 2 into the bug tracker.

Cheers, Andreas

Am 02.11.23 um 22:52 schrieb Andreas Schleth:
> Hi everybody,
> usually I use KPA with the language set to German (de_DE) which has a
> funny effect:
> Select one person from the people category and then select "No other".
> The entry in German is "keine weiteren". This is sorted below "N" ... 
> Strange. Most probably this is because the original term is "no other"
> or such. As I'd like to do some more checking ...
> ... I wanted to see how this looks with the English UI and I am
> stumped: Changing the language does not work for me. Or am I
> exceptionally stupid today?
> I use "Settings" (Einstellungen) ... "configure language" (Sprache
> einrichten ...) ... and select "Englisch en_US" (or en_GB). Then close
> KPA and start it again. Nothing happens. I even tried to set the
> language in the KDE settings to English.
> Funny however, one of my databases starts with the English UI, all the
> others with German (??). How and where is this configured? I do not
> see anything in .config/kphotoalbumrc ...
> ... With this database I see, that the "No other" pseudo Name is
> sorted on top of the list (as it should be).
> ---
> so to recap:
> 1. language selection does not work (for me?)
> 2. with the German UI the pseudo name "No other" / "keine weiteren" is
> neither sorted on top or below "K" but below "N"
> I am currently at: v5.11.0-151-ge304108a
> Cheers, Andreas
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