konsole master broken / help

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Wed Jul 29 22:49:34 BST 2020

El dimecres, 29 de juliol de 2020, a les 20:01:43 CEST, Tomaz Canabrava va escriure:
> Hello,
> I broke something in master and I can't quite figure out what is it.
> All the tests are passing, but a static library that I created is not being
> correctly used with signals / slots.
> I separated a bunch of code in konsole and created static libraries that
> later on are linked against a bigger, shared, libkonsoleprivate. now I'm
> having errors such as
> I'm having errors such as:
> QObject::connect: signal not found in Konsole::ProfileList
> without the signal name,  so it's quite hard to figure out what's wrong.
> I put a lot of qDebugs around the connections and I found out that, for
> instance the following code will give me a QObject::connect: signal not
> found in Konsole::ProfileList:
> connect(profileList, &ProfileList::profileSelected, this,
> &TabbedViewContainer::newViewWithProfileRequest);
> but if I run nm on libprofile.a I get:
> $ nm libkonsoleprofile.a | ag profileSelected
> 0000000000000360
> T_ZN7Konsole11ProfileList15profileSelectedERK28QExplicitlySharedDataPointerINS_7ProfileEE
> U_ZN7Konsole11ProfileList15profileSelectedERK28QExplicitlySharedDataPointerINS_7ProfileEE
> So I don't really know what's going on.
> Any hint is appreciated.

It seems to work fine here, have you nuked your build dir? Maybe you have some duplicated mocs from the code rearrangement that is confusing the build?


> Tomaz

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