Update Stock And Currencies Fails

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Apr 20 01:25:56 BST 2023

On 2023.04.19 18:54, David Dembrow via KMyMoney wrote:
> Today my daily update of stock prices failed.  Is there an update to  
> the online quote source that I need to fix?
> Thanks,
> ---d.dembrow
Not that I know of, but you really need to provide more information  
before anyone can even begin to guess what your problem is.
What version are you running, and what OS/Distribution?
When did it last work (I assume yesterday since you say daily, but want  
to be sure.)
What (if anything) else changed on your PC since yesterday?
Please elaborate on "failed."  Did you get any error message?  If not,  
please try running from command line/console, as there may be error or  
warning messages produced there that you won't see in the GUI.

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