ofx import ignoring one transaction

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Mar 18 18:59:49 GMT 2021

With KMyMoney from 5.1 git head, and libofx 0.10.1, ofx import is  
failing to import one particular transaction.  This is with either  
direct connect or a downloaded file.  It looks like that the specific  
transaction type is not recognized.  (Note I've substituted 123456  
below for the actual account number.)

The section from the ofx file is:
               <NAME>Direct Deposit
               <MEMO>IRS  TREAS 310 OSTROFF, JACK H & MARG

and ofxdump produces:

     Account ID : www.mldirect.ml.com 123456
     Transaction type: DIRECTDEP: Direct deposit
     Date posted: Wed Mar 17 11:00:00 2021 EDT
     Total money amount: 2800.00
     # of units: -2800.0000 (bonds: face value; options: contracts; all  
others: shares)
     Unit price: 1.0000 (bonds: % of par; options: premium per share of  
underlying; all others: price per share)
     Financial institution's ID for this transaction:  
     Investment transaction type: INVBANKTRAN (Transfer cash in and out  
of the investment account)
     Name of payee or transaction description: Direct Deposit
     Extra transaction information (memo): IRS  TREAS 310 OSTROFF, JACK  
     Funding sub account type: CASH

If I run from command line, I see:

OfxImporterPlugin::storeStatements() with 1 statements called
OfxImporterPlugin::importStatement start
KMyMoneyPlugin::KMMStatementInterface::import start
Updating account in MyMoneyStatementReader::startImport failed
Importing statement for 'Investment account 123456 at broker  
Found  "VIATRIS INC"  with id  "E000001"
Found  "PFIZER INC"  with id  "E000002"
Found  "ML BANK DEPOSIT PROGRAM"  with id  "E000003"
Processing transactions (Investment account 123456 at broker  
Processing transactions done (Investment account 88055741 at broker  
Importing statement for 'Investment account 123456 at broker  
www.mldirect.ml.com' done

Note that "Updating .... failed" was present with either the original  
account number or the replacement, in either my original data file, or  
a new one with only a new investment and brokerage account I created  
for testing.  I've tried changing "DIRECTDEP" to various other values,  
with no change in the import behavior - no transactions are imported.   
What is odd is that a nearly identical deposit in January imported with  
no problem - but importing an OFX file from the bank for that date now  
also seems to ignore that transaction.  That makes me wonder if this is  
a change in behavior of either KMM or libofx.

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.


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